
Openings for a garden manager and horse farmer

We are seeking two people or a couple to join our Demeter certified-Biodynamic/organic 40-acre farm–a garden manager to run our 4-acre CSA garden who has a minimum of two years of gardening experience AND a horse farmer to work the four horses fulltime, including growing grain, hay, and permanent pasture, who already has experience doing field work with horses. For both positions, a commitment to farming as a livelihood and the ability and desire to live in community are essential. For the right people, these positions offer opportunity for increasing responsibility and longer-term involvement. We will provide room and board; compensation will be based on ability and term of commitment.

Garden manager

The garden manager works under the supervision of the farmers to manage the gardening and intensive cultivation of 4 to 6 acres using biodynamic/organic farming practices. The garden manager leads a team of 3 to 5 apprentices in all aspects of the gardening work including

Daily chores and participating in establishing the weekly work plan

Compost and soil preparation

Irrigation activities

Bed preparation, sowing, transplanting, weeding, and row covering

Monitoring pest and disease problems

Vegetable harvesting, cleaning, and storing

Coordinating the use of draft animals within the scope of the garden plan

Leading apprentices to a clearer understanding of their role and importance in the farm operations

Participating in apprentice feedback and evaluation

Setting an example for work ethic and pace

Eventually helping with the training of apprentices in the biodynamic methods

In farmers’ absence (for conferences and vacation time), take responsibility for day-to-day operation of farm and garden

Where interest and skill permit, provide support and expertise in care of livestock

Horse farmer

The horse farmer will coordinate with the farmers and garden manager to prepare garden beds for planting, do row cultivation in the garden, and prepare, plant, irrigate, and harvest field crops of hay, grain, and pasture for the farm. The farm has six 4-acre fields, five 2-acre fields, and some 1-acre fields, all with access to irrigation. Some of the horse farmer’s work will be shared with the farmer. The work can include

Harnessing and daily work

Maintaining and developing horse equipment

Cleaning and maintaining horses’ feet