Mendocino County

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Live Power Offerings

Delivery Days: Monday is the delivery and pick up day for Willits members and Thursday is the delivery and pick up for Ukiah members. The first delivery for Ukiah is Thursday, May 6th and Willits is Monday, 10th, 2021.

Season: The season runs from the first week in May until Thanksgiving week. We hope people can join us for the entire season, but if there is space signups are accepted throughout the season.

Share Size: The garden share is based on a half bushel basket feeding a family of 2 to 3 people depending on diet and eating habits. If a larger quantity is needed, additional garden shares can be ordered. The vegetable share will provide a seasonal variety of produce each week from the beginning of May ending Thanksgiving week.
Below is a table showing the schedule and quantities planned for the garden share.
Please click on PDF to download.


Of course, each season is different. For example here are the Garden Share harvest totals for  2012 and 2013 (click on year to see totals).

Seasonal Variation:

The farmers will harvest what is ready at each season. Early spring baskets are usually smaller with mostly greens and early roots, then peas and broccoli, then increasing in quantity and variety with corn, squash, tomatoes, melons, potatoes, roots and greens as peak summer harvest is reached in August and September. Fall harvests are also bountiful with roots, storage crops, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks and greens. The baskets will increase in quantity and variety as the weather warms and more types of vegetables are ripe.

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Blueberry Share from Filigreen Farm. Biodynamic blueberries come from Filigreen in Boonville. Due to the drought, there will not be blueberry shares this season, but possibly bulk deliveries when blueberries are harvested.

Fruit Share from Filigreen Farm. Filigreen Farm will periodically  offer bulk fruit with the possibilities  including Demeter certified biodynamic peaches, apples, pluots, plums, and table grapes for the months of August, September, October and November. Also available from Filigreen Farm is Demeter certified biodynamic olive oil.


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Monday is harvest day for Covelo and Willits.

Willits: Baskets will arrive at 429 Redwood Ave in Willits at 4:30 pm. Any baskets not picked up between 4:30 and 5:00 pm will be left in the shade on the left side of the car port.

Thursday is delivery day for Ukiah.

Ukiah: Baskets will arrive at 1101 W. Clay St. at 5:00 pm. If you want to help unload the van, please arrive just before 5:00 pm. After 5:00 pm the baskets  will be on the tables ready for pick up. If you are unable to arrive before 6 pm, the remaining baskets will either be left on the tables or put on the steps. Whoever is driving the veggies down from Covelo will most likely leave by 6:00 pm.

Baskets: Willits and Ukiah members will purchase 2 baskets from the farm at $8 each which will be used alternate weeks to hold their produce. Each basket will have the member’s name on it. The vegetables will be sorted into wet burlap in these baskets. It is important to return the baskets and burlaps each week before or as the vegetables are being delivered, so the baskets can be taken back to Covelo to fill for the next week’s delivery. If there is no basket before the end of the sort, the produce will be in a paper bag the following week.

Missed Pickups: If there is a week when you will be unable to pick up your produce at the scheduled time, please contact Gloria ( or 707-983-8196) to make other arrangements. Any produce that is not picked up by Tuesday night for Covelo members,  Wednesday night for Willits members, and Friday night for Ukiah members without notice given will be passed on to someone in need. Please respect the folks who are offering their places for delivery and pick up your produce as soon as possible. If someone else is going to pick up your vegetables, please let me know who they are and their contact information and be sure they thoroughly understand the directions and timing. Thanks.

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If you are interested in joining, please sign up at this link

If you are interested in splitting a share and do not have a partner in mind, please contact Gloria at or 707-983-8196. Sometimes (but not always) we can match you with another household in your area.

We would love to have you join the farm! If you are interested, please sign up at this link:   or contact Gloria Decater at or 707-983-8196. If you know of someone else who might be interested, please let us know.